Facing Illness with Confidence and Control, End of Life Planning

A&I Wealth Management > Blog > Facing Illness with Confidence and Control, End of Life Planning

End of life planning is difficult but our expert makes it easier to face illness with confidence and control.

We held an insightful, helpful and uplifting lunch and learn on April 24th, 2024. The subject was facing illness with confidence and control. Might sound crazy, but this plan can include joy, humor and fun. Check out the recording. 

Kim Callinan runs Compassion and Choices, a non-profit whose mission is to empower people to control their end of life journey in alignment with their values. Here is a link to the recording, and below some shortcuts to a few of our favorite moments, full of heartfelt experience and wisdom. We hope you enjoy it, and we hope you reach out to us to help you put together your elder plans!

  • 4 min: Hospice vs palliative care: a personal story illustrating the differences…
  • 15 min: Treatable: a word that has very different meanings for a doctor than it does for a patient
  • 22 min: Personal story, “I became increasingly angry at my dad!”
  • Take the Dementia values survey!

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